We didn’t even have to leave the hotel for our last two business meetings this morning. Bucherer Retail was first. Besides the room being exceptionally hot and stuffy, the presentation wasn’t half bad. I had already gone there to buy my Swiss Army knives yesterday, so I felt a little extra connection to the store. After a small break, Johnson & Johnson was next. That presentation however was exceptionally boring. I felt like the speaker was all over the place and it was hard to stay focused on him during his presentation.
After both presentations were finished, Dr. Mac and Dr. Dan had some last minute debriefing instructions for us before we were released for our last day in Europe. For lunch, a large group of study abroaders went across the Chapel Bridge to Mr. Pickwick’s Pub and had some pub food. I heard all the food there was good, so I was excited to get a really good cheeseburger. Unfortunately, there was some kind of weird sauce on my burger and the cheese had a weird kick to it. I barely ate half of my burger if that and didn’t order any fries to save money. I also haven’t ordered an alcoholic drink since France I think, solely for the reason of conserving money.
We left Mr. Pickwick’s Pub, took some pictures by the Chapel Bridge, watched the wild swans swim around, and then headed off to do some last minute errands around Lucerne before we headed back to the hotel to get ready for the dessert cruise. I bought an assortment of Swiss Chocolate at Bucherer while other people bought more Longchamp bags, more Swiss Army knives, and even a few nice Swiss watches.
One last thing on our to-do list in Lucerne was to walk to the giant lion monument carved into the side of a stone wall. It was so much larger and more detailed than I was envisioning it to be. We took a few pictures, and Callen, CJ, Kinsey, and I all tossed coins into the pond in front of the monument after we made wishes. I don’t really know if it was a ritual or not, but there were some coins in the bottom of the pond, so we figure why not?! Wishing on an ancient lion can’t hurt!
CJ, Kinsey, and I all walked back to the hotel to shower and get all done up for the final group event of the trip, the dessert dinner cruise on Lake Lucerne. Kinsey was wonderful and curled several of the girls hair (including mine). It looked fabulous! After weeks of not trying to get overly done up for a night out, it was nice to feel pretty and see how gorgeous everyone else looked as well!
The cruise was SO MUCH FUN! We had a private boat rented out just for our study abroad group. The first two rounds of drinks were free, so white wine was my beverage of choice! It was delicious! From the moment we all stepped onto the boat it was just a non-stop photo session. We sang the war hymn, whooped!, laughed, hugged, and just had a great night reflecting on all of the memories we made throughout the past month and the friends that will come back with us to A&M. The view of the shoreline was unmatched and the sunset in particular was sublime! I was sad to see such an amazing night end. It was tied with the Austrian dinner as being the most enjoyable evening activity that we did on the entire trip.

Sadly though, the night had to end. We walked back to the hotel at around 10:30pm, and having already packed my bags completely during the afternoon, I was able to go straight to bed by about 11 o’clock. I was one of the lucky few that actually was able to squeeze in a few hours of sleep before we had to load the coaches for the airport in the middle of the night. I set my alarm for 2:15am, so I could be downstairs at around 2:50am to board the coach. Naptime for me!
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