Thursday, January 24, 2013

So Much Life, So Little Blogging

For everyone who started following my blog last year when I was in the midst of my DIY/Pinterest bonanza, I'm sure you were all thoroughly impressed by my one DIY project entry. Oh yes, well it was a stunning table remodel after all ;) But in typical me fashion, I failed to blog about any more of the lovely creations I made during my year after undergrad. Those posts are coming... in due time. Getcha popcorn ready... or whatever. 

For all who started following my blog because I told you how I planned to blog my entire Israel trip last Easter, this is me finally owning up and saying "I'm sorry!" Sorry for promising wonderful, insightful entries regarding my time in the Holy Land. Sorry (again) for promising I'd get around to writing all about my trip right after I got home. --- Obviously, we see where those promises got us.

I will write an Israel entry... 

...and I'm going to do it this evening. Nothing like wine, some music, and time with my inner thoughts to wrap up a hectic school week.